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      Kobayashi Dragon Maid
         Kobayashi Dragon Maid S
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      Mahou Tsukai no Yome
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      Platinum End
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      Shuumatsu no Harem
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      To Your Eternity
      Violet Evergarden
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  • Game and Visual Novel Wiki

    This is the new home for our game and visual novel information, all new game/VN info should be placed here and new game/VN threads made from the game/VN pages (how?).

    This is not meant to be a complete list of all game/VN since time began, however if you wish to add an old game/VN, you are welcome to do so. We have templates to help you. We have guides and procedures on how to make new pages and new threads, and if you want to add a new page for an existing thread, you can make the page and ask a staff member to link the thread.

    This is a wiki - everything can be edited, new ideas are welcome.

    As the Wiki is currently quite small, some new items can be linked
