Well i couldn't find a thread like this so i guess it is safe to open up a thread where we can announce any anime/manga that have been licensed. If there is one already like this or in the wrong category then sry 'bout that ahead of time. Anyways here r some newly licensed ones today and i no a lot of u may b disappointed once u hear this as some of the anime below are on fansub.tv so brace ur selves. Note all of below r from ANN:
Double Posting is allowed in this thread, only if its an update to licensed anime. All other regular rules still apply. Please mark all newly licensed anime in red
#) anime/manga title --company/US distributor
1) Witchblade--Funimation (official acquisition today) <------------
2) Solty Rei--Funimation
3) Glass Fleet--Funimation
4) Kasimasi (manga)--Seven Seas Entertainment <------------
5) Kodomo no Jikan (manga)--Seven Seas Entertainment
6) Shinigami no Ballad (manga)--Seven Seas Entertainment
7) Paradise Kiss--Geneon <---------------
8) Black Lagoon--Geneon <---------------
9) Hello Kitty: Stump Village--Geneon <----------
10) Galaxy Angel 2 (manga)--Broccoli
11) Kon Kon Kokon (manga)--Broccoli
12) Nerima Daikon Brothers--ADV
13) Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid--ADV (Funimation will only handle marketing
Double Posting is allowed in this thread, only if its an update to licensed anime. All other regular rules still apply. Please mark all newly licensed anime in red
#) anime/manga title --company/US distributor
1) Witchblade--Funimation (official acquisition today) <------------

2) Solty Rei--Funimation
3) Glass Fleet--Funimation
4) Kasimasi (manga)--Seven Seas Entertainment <------------

5) Kodomo no Jikan (manga)--Seven Seas Entertainment
6) Shinigami no Ballad (manga)--Seven Seas Entertainment
7) Paradise Kiss--Geneon <---------------

8) Black Lagoon--Geneon <---------------

9) Hello Kitty: Stump Village--Geneon <----------

10) Galaxy Angel 2 (manga)--Broccoli
11) Kon Kon Kokon (manga)--Broccoli
12) Nerima Daikon Brothers--ADV
13) Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid--ADV (Funimation will only handle marketing