peach boy riverside

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  1. monsta666

    Review Peach Boy Riverside review

    Review: Peach Boy Riverside is a fantasy/action series that was released in the summer 2021 season. One of the more controversial aspects of this series is the order in which the episodes were broadcast. Unlike most shows, Peach Boy Riverside was not released in chronological order. Instead...
  2. monsta666

    Episode Summary 2021 Summer Season Anime Preliminary Review part 5

    Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S Kobayashi Dragon Maid continues to go from strength to strength as the last two epi’s were actually stronger than the first two. What is more with this being a slice-of-life/comedy series you can watch the episodes in any order. If you are a fan of Kanna, Saikawa...
  3. monsta666

    Episode Summary 2021 Summer Season Anime Preliminary Review part 2

    In the second part of my preliminary reviews, I will be checking the popular and highly anticipated Kobayashi-san series along with Peach Boy Riverside. If you are after slice-of-life then I suggest you give Aquatope on White Sand a go. If moe is more your thing then look no further than Making...