irina the vampire cosmonaut

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  1. monsta666

    Review 2021 Autumn Season Anime review

    The Autumn season was on the whole stronger than summer as while not many shows were truly outstanding many were very enjoyable especially if it is a genre you dig into. This season was especially good in the horror department as we got two good ones with Mieruko-chan and Tricornered Window...
  2. monsta666

    Review Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut

    Episodes: 12 Original airing dates: 4th October 2021 – 20th December 2021 Studio: Arvo Animation Genre: Sci-fi/historic and romance Recommended audience: Lovers of space anime with an affinity for romance. MONSTA RECOMMENDATION!!! Trailer: Background/synopsis: Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut...