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  1. monsta666

    Episode Summary Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S Episode 11

    Episode 11 Kobayashi watches some aerobics on TV and decides to do a few stretches… But busts her back instead! Fearing the prospect of being fed Tohru tail… She looks for ways to relax and loosen those stiff shoulders! But is soon overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff on offer...
  2. monsta666

    Episode Summary Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S Episodes 9-10

    Episode 9 After finally putting her snacks down Elma suddenly realises the terrible work conditions in Kobayashi's office! Kobayashi is resigned to the status quo and more accepting of her fate but this does not stop Elma from raging against the MACHINE!!! She channels this energy into...
  3. monsta666

    Episode Summary Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S Episodes 7-8

    Episode 7 In an unusual turn of events Fafnir asks Quetzalcoatl if she will help him in some mysterious project… Curious to learn more, she ventures into Fafnir’s cave to discover he wants to create a manga. Is it for treasure, is it for power or is he just indulging an ecchi fetish...
  4. monsta666

    Episode Summary Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S Episodes 5-6

    Episode 5 Tohru and Elma duke it out in what appears to be yet another fight. It would seem that these two have always been mortal enemies yet when questioned about their past it would seem this duo holds a surprising secret. It would seem during their time together there was a clash of...