drugstore in another world

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  1. monsta666

    Episode Summary 2021 Summer Season Anime Preliminary Review part 5

    Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S Kobayashi Dragon Maid continues to go from strength to strength as the last two epi’s were actually stronger than the first two. What is more with this being a slice-of-life/comedy series you can watch the episodes in any order. If you are a fan of Kanna, Saikawa...
  2. monsta666

    Episode Summary 2021 Summer Season Anime Preliminary Review part 2

    In the second part of my preliminary reviews, I will be checking the popular and highly anticipated Kobayashi-san series along with Peach Boy Riverside. If you are after slice-of-life then I suggest you give Aquatope on White Sand a go. If moe is more your thing then look no further than Making...