Demon Slayer Movie: Infinity Train also known as Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen is a shounen/action series featuring demons. Infinity Train was a runaway commercial success gaining numerous records such as the highest ever grossing anime of all time plus being the highest...
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace also known as Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi is an action/fantasy series featuring demons that initially aired in the summer 2021 season. Idaten Deities tells the story of a world with demons and godlike beings called Idaten that fight for supremacy. The...
Japanese: さんかく窓の外側は夜
Airing date: 3/10/2021 (Sunday release)
Episodes: 12
Genres: Mystery, supernatural, boys love
Studio: Zero-G
Kosuke Mikado has the ability to see ghosts and other supernatural creatures but keeps his talents hidden as these supernatural forces scare the living...
For ecchi lovers there is a separate more ecchi review thread that contains more raunchy pictures. If you are interested check out the ecchi section of FTV!
Mother of the Goddess' Dormitory otherwise known as Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun is an ecchi/comedy romance series that first...
Japanese: 86―エイティシックス―
Airing date: 3/10/2021 (Sunday release)
Episodes: 12
Genres: Mecha, military
Studio: A-1 Pictures
Synopsis: 86 Part 2 is a direct sequel to the first season so folks who haven't seen season one watching this is a non-starter. To give you a low down on what you are...
Re-Main is a sports/drama anime series that came out in the summer 2021 season. The series centres on Minato Kiyomizu who is a star player in his school’s water polo team. On the day of his major triumph, he gets involved in a major car crash that leaves him in a coma for 203 days...
Night Head 2041 is a psychological dystopian sci-fi series and is a reboot of the Night Head Genesis anime which released way back in 2006. If you are curious to learn more about that show then read the review on the link below:
Prequel: Night Head Genesis
Despite both series sharing...
Japanese: 結城友奈は勇者である 大満開の章
Airing date: 2/10/2021 (Saturday release)
Episodes: 12
Genres: Dark magical girl, drama, fantasy
Studio: Studio Gokumi
Synopsis: Yuuki Yuuna is a dark magical girl series that deals with a group of girls who try and save the world from powerful monsters called...
Japanese: 見える子ちゃん
Airing date: 3/10/2021 (Sunday release)
Episodes: 12
Genres: Horror, comedy
Studio: Passione
The story centres on Miko who is a typical high school student whose life turns upside down when she suddenly starts seeing monsters. Instead of showing her fright she...
Sonny Boy is a mystery/supernatural series which first aired in the summer 2021. Reviewing this show is actually quite tricky as this is a series that has proved divisive in the anime community. On the one hand there are clear fans who love the symbolism and vibrant imagery that...
Episode 10
Jahy’s minion is running to meet her master!
But then… Is that TRUCK-KUN coming?!
I can’t watch anymore!
Luckily Kokoro is saved at the last moment by an unlikely source!
Don’t look at her in awe! The magical girl is evil!
The girls finally have their meeting. The...
Meikyuu Black Company is a fantasy comedy/isekai series which was first released in the summer 2021. The story for Meikyuu Black Company revolves around Kinji Ninomiya who is a NEET and has seemingly never worked a day in his life. Unlike other shows however, Kinji, through a series of...
Higurashi: When They Cry – SOTSU otherwise known as Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu is a supernatural, horror/thriller series which was first released in the summer 2021. When They Cry – SOTSU is the fifth and latest season in the Higurashi franchise and is a direct sequel to Gou. If you...
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season two part two is an action/fantasy isekai series that aired in the summer 2021 season. Unsurprisingly events in this second part follow straight from part one so naturally this season is not newcomer friendly. You got to watch the previous...
Remake our Life! Also known as Bokutachi no Remake is a time-travel romantic/drama anime series that was first released in the summer 2021. The premise of the show centres on Kyouya Hashiba; a 28-year-old office worker who is major fan of the “Platinum Generation” which is a group of...
Episode 9
Saurva is positively the seething at the ways Jahy is dismantling her carefully constructed plans!
Working herself up to a frenzy Saurva feels the best way to chill out is to visit the bathhouse! Surely this will make her forget all about her Jahy worries!
As if you can forget...
Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Season 2 - The Eve of Awakening otherwise known as Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden (TV) 2nd Season - Kakusei Zenya is a dark magical girl series that was released in the summer 2021 season. As the name implies, this is...
Episode 15
Hanyuu makes the bold admission that she used to be like Eua and not believe in miracles!
Eua remains unmoved by Hanyuu’s words and ends her speech with a big wallop!
Back in the real world, Rika has got Satoko in the corner... Surely, surely it is done!
Satoko reminds Riko...
Episode 8
Jahy wakes up after a nice fat lie in during a day off from work.
Dragging herself out of bed she decides to have a bath but is disgusted by the Spartan nature of her “bathtub”
The day doesn’t get better as Jahy is totally starving! Roaming the streets in search of sustenance a...
Episode 12
Keiko asks if Kyoya is ready to travel back in time. He says yes without hesitation.
She reminds him of what he losing by going back. His wife, his daughter and a stable job where he is respected and needed.
There is a long silence. He recalls a sea of memories. Finally, he...